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Photo report from MiŚOT Meeting 2019

From 13th to 15th May OPTOMER took part in Spring Conference MiŚOT. The purpose of the event organised in Hotel STOK in Wisla was to integrate small and medium telecom operators. The conference was kept in the leading climate of the army and militaries, offered numerous attractions, including competitions for participants, II MiŚoT Race for the KLARP Cup and lectures run by experts from the telecom industry. One of them was Grzegorz Kubiak, The head of R&D Department in OPTOMER. He prepared the workshop “Passive elements in fibre optic FTTH access networks” and run the lecture about government strategy “5G for Poland”. Additionally, at the company’s booth, visitors could get familiar with distribution splice pillars and FTTH access networks.

We would like to thank the conference organisers and all participants that visited our booth and took part in lectures and workshop!

Photo report below: