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Innovation in telecommunication infrastructure – Divisible Fibre Optic Connector

The constant development of technology requires manufacturers of telecommunication equipment to respond to changing market needs by providing innovative solutions. One of them – divisible SC fibre optic connector designed by OPTOMER, has been patented by the Polish Patent Office.

The currently used SC fibre optic connector is used in telecommunication for multiple connection and disconnection of optical cables.

SC connector was developed by Japanese telecommunication company NTT to eliminate the need to unscrew and tighten the connector when making a new fibre optic connection and to reduce costs thanks to the injection of plastic parts. Currently, the standard SC connector consist of a ferrule and a housing. 

A ferrule is a ceramic sleeve into which the optical fibre is glued. It is a subject of a mechanical procedure to obtain a specific shape of its end face. The already assembled SC connector is the end of a single optical fibre, read for connection to a second, identically made connector. It is done with a separate detail called an SC adapter. The cross-sectional length of the currently used SC connector ferrule which the housing is 8.0mm. From the installation point of view, this dimension must be as small as possible.

SC connector with divisible housing technical specification

The solution proposed by OPTOMER allows reduction of the cross-sectional length of the connector and ensure easy installation at the subscribers’ premises. The innovative SC connector with divisible housing is fully compatible with the current solutions which mean both connectors can be connected in installations with standard adapters.

The SC connector with divisible housing consists of:

  • a ferrule with a spring,

  • bottom housing part,

  • a sliding cover – top housing part.

The ferrule with a spring in the divisible connector has a smaller cross-sectional dimension than in the solution currently used on a market. Thanks to that there is a possibility to use microducs with a smaller diameter than in the case of standard SC connector. This is important especially in terms of lowering installation costs. After the assembly, the Sc connector with divisible housing has standard dimensions and is functionally identical to the commonly used SC connector.

The sliding cover in divisible housing has two positions: in one, the connector can be easily disconnected from the adapter, in the other, it is protected against accidental disconnection. Still, it features a simple design and does not require the usage of any special tools.   

OPTOMER’s innovations

What distinguishes the patented solution are the reduced (compared to the existing solutions) dimensions of the inner ferrule, which allows the installation of SC connectors directly at the subscriber’s premises, where the optical fibre will be pulled or pushed through the installation microducts. The SC connector with divisible housing enables the use of microducts with a much smaller diameter. Additionally, there is no need to make optical splicing, which reduces the time and cost of installation.

Innovations are the specialty of OPTOMER, from the very beginning of its existence. The company, as the first manufacturer in Poland, implemented the technology of machine polishing of ferrule end face. Thanks to the innovative Active Core Alignment technology it is possible to obtain excellent transmission parameters of connectors with a repeatable attenuation value of 0,1dB (E-2000 0,1dB DIAMOND connectors)

When designing new products, OPTOMER pay great attention to their compliance with Polish, European, and world standards.

The content available in the Knowledge Center is created in cooperation with the R&D Department of OPTOMER. Our experts have been successfully training installers and representatives of public administration for years!